Thursday 12 September 2013

Lily A's 100wc - week 2:

"Miss Honey, heres my money for the fishing trip" bellowed Oscar, excitedly (He loved fishing!). All morning the room was filled with a loud echo going "can we go now?", oh wait it wasn't an echo it was OSCAR! An hour later we were all on the coach and leaving.

When we arrived we all sat down and casted our lines. Five minutes later Oscar felt a fine tug on his rod so he pulled it in and suddenly... "Ouch!"

Sharp teeth were clenched on two his hands. It was a revolting, red fish with shiny, pink scales, I ran to help and pushed the unsighly fish back in the water and took Oscar with a throbbing, slimy, bleeding hand to the doctor. A couple of days later Oscar was back to normal but always had a weird scar that, if you looked close enough, you would see the word DEATH!

By Lily A.


  1. Well done, Lily, I love the ending of that story and you described the fish and the scar really well.

  2. Georgina in ash class23 September 2013 at 12:00

    Amazing and spooky 100wc Lily,loads of brilliant words in there.
