Thursday 17 October 2013

Katlyn's 100wc - week 7...

Click on the photo for a bigger version!


  1. Hola Katlyn,
    What a great way to share your work with the world. It is lovely to see your handwritten 100WC, and to hear you read it aloud, too! I might copy your idea and have the boy I tutor do the same one week, if you don't mind.

    I really enjoyed this story. You build up the tension slowly by first mentioning the graveyard, then letting the reader know that you were afraid to go in alone, and finally writing about the clouds gaining upon you (a super description) and you and your friends panicking.

    Well done!
    Miss Gill (Team 100WC)
    Costa del Sol, Spain

  2. Hi Katlyn - well done for getting a comment all the way from Spain! I agree with Miss Gill - your 100wc is brilliant! You've used some absolutely fabulous sentences and you also read your story beautifully - well done!
    Mr K :-)
