Tuesday 4 March 2014

Lydia's 100wc - week 24...

Once upon a time. BORING!!!!!!!!! Let's tell the real tale: Rapunzel was perched in her tedious bedroom over her dad's kebab shop, when it came to her. "I think I need to grow my hair!"

Years passed and her hair grew longer, but one day it got so long people could climb her sleek, flowing hair. Later that day a hooded figure came along tugging her hair like a caiman eating a jaguar. At first, she thought it was a person that trod on her magnificent piece of artwork, but actually this figure cut her hair then diced it to tiny shreds.

Rapunzel wailed and sobbed for days. Until she got a letter from the governor of Woolly Winters.

Dear Miss Rapunzel,
Here is your monthly magazine of Woolly Winters.
Governor of Woolly Winters

Now Rapunzel has a knitted hair extension.

By Lydia

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