Monday 10 March 2014

Jaden's 100wc - week 25...

One stormy night Lucy was in her room and suddenly her box began to glow. She nervously went to the box, but when she lifted the lid it sucked her into a magical place with a  lovely dragon. She began to climb onto the dragon: it gave her  a lift to  a wonderful castle. But  something began to happen - she  closed  her eyes and opened them and she was back home - what a  wonderful adventure!
(With some help from Mr K!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jaden
    I'm a bit late getting to read your 100 word challenge for week 25 and for that I really do apologise. What a great adventure you have written about, I enjoyed reading it so much. I love how you described what happened when the lid of the box was opened and while it must have been scary to be sucked in it was great that it was "a magical place with a nice dragon". Well done, Great writing.
    Ms O'Keeffe (Team 100wc)
