Monday 23 June 2014

Lydia's 100wc - week 38:

In the Caribbean, where the sea shimmers in the balmy, blazing sun: sat on a rock was a mermaid with vividly-coloured hair cascading down her radiant, enchanting face. Her silk, flowing hair covered her teal eyes.

One day she sat upon her rock watching the fishes come and go.When the sun rose from behind island Slogam, it burnt her hands to a scarlet tan.She swished around the ocean until she met an elderly fish.

“Where are all the other creatures?” Asked the mermaid curiously,

“They are hiding” Explained the fish,

“Why?” Asked the mermaid,

“But it is far too hot to be out!” Answered the fish.

And the mermaid swam under the sea for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

  1. that's a really detailed 100 word challenge
