Friday 4 July 2014

Beaudesert memories - part one...

Our Beaudesert Memories:
On Monday we did via ferrata . Steve the instructor showed you how to clip your self to each rope with a green string [but if it was a red string then you don’t clip your self into it]. As I was too small I needed Harry to guide me through it  so he could help me put my feet on wall - after all, I did do the splits three times! We had to climb on real rocks then, when we were finished, we would zipwire on to the foor .

My other favorite was the greasy pole. It is a swimming pool and there was a wooden platform where you would stand on and then bum shuffle on to the greasy pole and then you have a pillow and a helmet but if you lose you will go into the swimming pool!
By Katlyn Tomkinson.

At camp my favourite activity was the via ferrata, I liked the zip wire at the end of it and the bit where you had to lean back and slowly move across the wall. I also liked the pedal go karts: we had to put elbow and knee pads on as well as a helmet they were easier to pedal than I thought they would be - the races were fun. On both nights I got barely any sleep. On the monkey trees they were about 35ft tall. I went to the top  of the trees - they were really high when you looked down. I climbed right to the top of it then you went down mission impossible style - that was fun.The greasy pole was a bit unfair because you only got to use one hand you had to put one hand on your head and the other for waking i fell off it was not very slippery or wet i thought it would be much bigger and over a lake. In the spare time we ate sweets.
By Adam Williams

My Beaudesert memories are the Via ferrata, Go karts and the Greasy pole.
The Via ferrata is where you are clipped on to some rope and you go climbing around walls. Then there is a rope bridge and you go across it and at the end there is a zip wire.   
The Go karts is where you go around a track and i was racing with Jaden and i won the race.
The Greasy pole is where there's a pole and there is a swimming pool underneath it. You get a pillow each and there's two people on the pole and you have to hit each over with the pillow and one should fall off it.
The Monkey trees is where you climb up a tree and you get kitted up and start to climb up the tree and when you want to come down you have to hold on to the rope and the instructor brings you down.

That's all of my memories.
By Chelsea Milner

Dear Diary ….

My favourite activity was , the via ferrata which we did on
Monday , with Mr Hunt . At first I was frightened because
of the height , but when we started I started to feel more
confident and I went on . It started to get higher and
higher until I got to the bridge I thought that I can`t do
it , but I finally stood on it and walked half way and my
friend started wobbling the rope and I nearly fell of ,
but at least I was attached to a rope . When I  came off
the bridge I ran to the zip wire and waited until it was
my turn . Finally it was my turn the instructor clipped
me to the wire and pushed me off I screamed half way
but I stopped   screaming and at last I was at the bottom.
By Nikola Tomiak

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